15mm Fishman Army

The Whole Army
The inspiration for this one came from the plastic fish model that one of my sons brought home from his meal at a fast food chain. I think that it comes from a Dr Zeuss story but it was just crying out Fish God! So I convinced (bribed) my son to donate it to my wargame collection
All the other figures are by Evil Gong Miniatures and I obtained from East Riding Miniatures. They are no longer shown on the website so I don't know if they are still available in the UK.
Fish God!

Come on, you've got to like him!

Fishmen Clerics

Just in case I don't fancy using the god.

Fishmen Artillery

Fishmen Hero

You can tell he's a hero - he's got seaweed on his head.

Fishmen Warband

Fishmen Spears

Fishmen Riders

Fishmen Behemoth

Fishmen Water Lurker


  1. Hello,

    really like your 15mm HOTT armies , especially the Chaos one. Any evil gong squidmen or blemmayes ?


    1. Thanks John,
      No the Squidmen and Blemmayes didn't really float my boat.
